Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Tidbits of the tidbit...

I was watching television the other night saw that in some poverty stricken countries they do not have access to fuel. In the absence of fuel they have started using cooking oil as gas. It works too. The local governments have caught wind of their "cheekiness" and have increased the cost of cooking oil to make profits. It got me thinking about the things that have been unavailable to Americans in the past. Booze? We just bootlegged it until they let us have it back? Then I began to imagine bootlegging gasoline? How awkward would that be? With the recent floods, the droughts and summer heat coming to early this year we will see an increase in everything. And I do mean everything. All of our products that we maintain and grow here are interconnected. The corn that was wiped out will increase the prices of: corn (obviously), gasoline, alcohol, pet foods, pretty much every kind of instant pasta in the world (that's a killer for me), etc... How do we stop this hemorrhaging of American Life? There is certainly no over night solution. There has to be a way to turn this around, or at least get some paddles in this boat.
I was speaking with a friend of mine, and she told me that it was all President Bush's fault. "Whew", I wiped my brow, now that I have someone to blame it on I don't have to work on the problem. She furrowed her brow and informed that she was very familiar to sarcasm Learning that sarcasm was a "oldie but a goodie" with her I tried the truthful approach. I said friend "President Bush doesn't write the laws, he upholds them, our democratic congress of the past two years writes the laws". I think that she thinks I made that up. She then shrugs the debate off with this jewel " oh well I don't care about politics anyways". It was at this point I began to understand just how our country has wedged itself into this corner. We have spent the last ten years avoiding the other big conversation with our kids - voting.
To be honest I took social studies and American government in high school but I still did not have a in depth understanding of how this works? The economy, the government, the two party system. Once I was paying attention to all these things, it was then I realized that I was outraged. Surely I was the only person who was behind on these issues, I started bringing it up to friends, they had even less clue or concern than I once had.
I submersed myself into politics, picking a side and sticking it to it. Jumping on board campaigns and meeting people like myself who wanted to make a difference legally. It was exciting, invigorating and highly rewarding. This is my challenge to convey this message not only to people my age but to all people. We are in this together and if we don't take a stance and demand that there is change we will never receive it.
OK off my soap box. I must study for an exam now. I was just thinking all that and had to get it off my brain.
In Cedar news, she is GREAT!! She is getting so big, I took some new pics to put here for all to see her!! She is awesome!!
I went to the Congaree River this past weekend and went "tubing", I had a great time. It was a nice reprieve.
I am off to study.. wish me luck!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The first thing that comes to mind about after reading your post is that yes, we are all in this together. When people realize that interdependence is a reality that offers more potential good for everyone, then they'll see things in a different light and act accordingly.